Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bible Quiz

On Sunday mornings at our church, all the children and adults gather for what we call "Sunday School Opening". During this time before being dismissed to graded classes, we sing a few cheerful songs, hear the latest update from missionaries, pray for the missionaries and take up the offering for their support. We also play a quick round of Bible Quiz. Usually, about 5 questions, with one being specifically for the 11 yrs. and younger and one "bonus" question which will get you a slightly bigger candy reward. See the young man standing next to my husband? It's his job to run the fun sized candy bar to the first person with the correct answer. It's a lot of fun and you may actually learn something!

I thought it might be fun to allow my blog readers an opportunity to test their Bible knowledge! So the plan is that every Sunday afternoon, I will post the Bible quiz questions that my husband asked the church earlier in the day, replacing the 11 and under questions with another adult appropriate question. Put your best answers in the comments and I'll let you know the correct answers on Monday.

Prizes? Maybe... the wheels in the head are turning. For now, be rewarded with the satisfaction that your know your Bible. Unless anyone would like to volunteer to run candy out to my readers....? =)

So here we go... your first quiz. Typically, my husband picks a theme for each week's quiz. This week is numbers:

1. How many friends came to comfort Job?
2. How many men were in Gideon's army?
3. How many altars did Balaam tell Balak to build?
4. How many chapters are in the book of Daniel?
5. How many lepers went into the Syrian army's camp and found it empty?



Jerica said...

3; 300; 1?; idk; 10
Mostly guesses BUT I tried without cheating/looking up the answers :-P

Jessi said...

Hi, Kayte! I came over here to read your blog a little today, and read that you live in upstate NY. I was just wondering where you go to church because we visited a couple of churches there on deputation. It really got my curiosity up.

Unknown said...

Hi Jessi, our church is Harts Hill Baptist Church (

Jerica, I'll post answers later today. =)