Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The New Face of Swine Flu

That is correct: Madison has the H1N1 virus. This picture was of course not taken today... that sparkle is not twinkling from her eyes today and that smile is no where to be found. We saw our trusted pediatrician today and he assured us that we don't need to be freaking out (and I was all prepared and ready!). He said he's seen dozens of cases in the last month. The one element to Maddie having Swine Flu that naturally does alarm him (and me) is her asthma. So we have filled our prescriptions, she is sleeping, the girls and I are not attending the revival meetings tonight and we'll see how the night goes. We'll speak with Dr. Taylor in the morning.

Please pray for her asthma to behave.

The good news is that I can stop worrying about her catching it.

My poor Maddie seems to catch every little thing! She has asthma, food allergies, last year had the weird "Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease" and so I shouldn't have been surprised when she is the first person I personally know to get the Swine Flu. Makes me wonder if I should have nursed her longer than 8 months. Or have looked harder for that plastic bubble I wanted to put on my baby registry.

UPDATE ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON: Maddie had a hard time getting to sleep last night but when sleep finally came, it worked it's healing wonders and she is feeling much better today. We're still doing breathing treatments and steroids for her lungs but I can see that she is on the mend. Thanks for praying and praise the Lord for healing.


♥ Amy said...

Oh, no, Kayte! We'll be praying for her. My Sarah has asthma that is only triggered by sickness. I'll pray that God brings healing quickly with no complications. I'm going to add her to the list on my blog. Please keep us posted.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Amy for praying. It really wouldn't be much different that just run of the mill seasonal flu/cold. It's only the asthma issue that is concerning. And at night, it's always worse. It's taken hours for 2 nights in a row to help her sttele down and stop coughing long enough to fall asleep. I've done everything I can think of to make her more comfortable. I do think the worse is over, thankfully. I don't like to give them perscription drugs often but they have helped very quickly with her breathing. Viruses can be little stinkers!

Unknown said...

I dont think nursing any longer would of stopped anything sweetie! And erm the plastic bubble just sounds bad! Give her lots of kisses from us and will keep all in thought and prayer... and dont pass it to mom LOL .... she doesnt need anything werid as well!

Mrs. Reverend Doctor said...

If it makes you feel better I only nursed Matthew for 2 months and he never gets sick.