Saturday, December 19, 2009

Youth Group Christmas Party '09

Well the last paper plates have been tossed, the remaining pizza sent home with kids, and icing wiped off of light switches and door knobs. Another year's Christmas party is over. The house seems mighty quiet now!

We had a fun time and ate a lot of really unhealthy food. Remember that "I'm limiting myself to only one cookie" line from yesterday? Um... well... that didn't last long!

The girls didn't appreciate having their picture taken while eating.
The boys couldn't have cared less.
We always have a gingerbread house contest. The three teams are given their own area of the house so that no one can steal ideas. The teams are judged on 4 elements: curb appeal, structural soundness, team spirit and neatness. That last one is solely for my benefit! =)

This team, though all boys and we didn't think they had a prayer, won!

This team... uh... well they didn't win! But they ate lots of icing and seemed pleased enough with that!

We played Christmas Bible Jeopardy. We've also used this board for Ladies' bible Jeopardy on the bus ride out to a ladies' conference. Those categories were "Bible Wives", "Bible Mothers, "Bible Babes" and "Bible Bad Girls." Tonight we had "Christmas Characters", "Christmas Danger" (pertaining to Herod), "Christmas Joy" and "Christmas Birthday".

And for those who doubt the effects on sugar: (Or maybe this kid has rabies?)


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Merry Christmas! Such fun festivities going on at your place! I want to hear more about this Christmas Ladies Bible trivia game . . . I'm thinking I need to play this with my ladies too ♥.

Unknown said...

Great picture...made me teary eyed because the boys miss it so much!! Even with the boys gone you still have a very disproportion number of boys vs Thank you for all that you guys did for chris & Zach when they were there!! They told me recently that Bro. Seth was the best youth Pastor they have ever had!!
Love J. Lundy

Unknown said...

Ah... that's very sweet, Jenn. I know we have more boys than girls!!! Always has been that way! We've tried a few different things to try to balance it out but... so I just try to lots of special things with the few girls we do have!

I missed Amanda too. She was a sweet beautiful girl. I still see her on facebook a little, though.

Unknown said...

Mrs. Fink, that was for the loooong bus ride to a Ladies' Conference so it wasn't Christmas themed. I didn't save the questions, unfortunatly, or I would gladly share them with you. I bascially just went off the listed categories and found questions to fit and increase the difficulty for more points. The "Bible Bad Girls" questions pertained to Jezebel, Haman's wife, etc. The Bible Babes were woman who we know the Bible said we beautiful... so questions regarding the life of Sarah, Abigail, Rachel, etc. I'm sure you can "wing it"!