Friday, June 3, 2011

Guess what I'm up to....

Stenciling a crazy intricate design all over Leila's bedroom wall.

What was I thinking?

It's looking pretty but I am calling it quits for the night. I'll be sure to show you the finished product when it is done... which may be a while! This afternoon, I had the two big girls napping, Leila was freshly fed and bouncing happily so I started. And then Maddie woke up needing a breathing treatment. And the Leila was no longing happy in the bouncer. And then Eden was up. Then it was dinner time. And time to clean up after dinner. Oh well. The days of starting a project and working on it until it is done, without any distractions are NOT these days. These days are days of pick away at projects when you can and don't expect to have more than 1.32 seconds at a time.

As for my other decorating issue, the china buffet, we've decided to look for a bench second hand and sell the china cabinet. If by the end of summer I can not find what I want, I may refurbish the cabinet. Seth would prefer not to do anything permanent yet though. Looking at the ideas you all posted however has me itching to paint a inn table I've had (but neglected) for a while. First, though, I must finish the crazy stenciling.



Marisa said...

Soooo Understand about not being able to just sit and finish a project in one sitting!!!

Julie Fink said...

It looks beautiful! Hope all is going well. I really loved reading about your special ladies event. Keep up the great work!