Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!!!

We enjoyed a beautiful day here celebrating and remembering our country's heroes. We went to two parades, one in the morning and one the evening. We spent the afternoon cooking out with family and playing in the warm wonderful weather. Okay, well the kids played in the warm wonderful weather... I lounged on the couch for a while regretting eating so much food!

We also took a little time and visited one of Seth's grandfather's graves. Both Seth and I have a honorable heritage in that both of his and both of my grandfathers served our country in times of war. Both of Seth's grandfathers and one of mine served in World War II and my other grandfather served in the Korean conflict. All four were real men. All four lived honorable lives and all four have passed away. I think of their generation with so much respect. They were really just teenagers when they began to carry the burdens of responsibility... in war, in providing for their families, of farming, of being faithful husbands and diligent fathers. They did not shirk from duty or waste their time and lives on things of no consequence. Their lives mattered. I wish America was still full of such men.

The girls thoroughly enjoyed the day, particularly the parades.

There were lots of big firetrucks:

And fancy cool cars:

And fabulous head wear:
And there happened to be two adorable little girls:

Eden literally clapped the entire time. She is really really good a clapping. ;)

Maddie was intently watching for the next handful of candy to be tossed her direction.

But not even candy could distract Eden from her clapping....

Hope you all enjoyed this holiday as well! I'm thankful to the Lord for our great nation. The land of the free and the home of the brave!!!



Joyful Blessings said...

The girls look so precious watching the parade. Love seeing them in the photos, God bless xoxo

Unknown said...

Awww shes wearing the dress i gave her ROFL I bet thats the one i gave Maddie ;) and maybe the other one will wear them as well LOL! They are growing up so big!!!