But I do want to bring you up to speed on a couple of things.
You can now pretend to be thoroughly interested. Thank you very much.
The youth conference we attended last week was wonderful. Each of the teens in our group seemed to be helped and convicted by one or more sermons. They each shared very heartfelt testimonies with us before leaving for home, and some shared their blessings from the trip in front of the church on Sunday night. God really did a work at the conference, in my heart and my husbands as well. It's funny how I always feel like I get more out of youth conference messages than any other kind of conference. I suppose because the general themes are usually centered on giving your life to the Lord completely, as well as living holy in this corrupt world.
Here is a picture of some very Rambo-ish looking girls as they headed off for the laser tag activity.
Anyway, we didn't have an opportunity to celebrate our anniversary properly, and by properly I mean in a steak restaurant, on the 26th so on Monday night we secured a babysitter and went to a new Japanese Hibachi bistro. Here is us as we headed out the door, doing the whole "take your own picture with telescopic arms" thing:
We had a great time and really enjoyed our food. I would have really liked to try sushi but being pregnant, knew it wasn't a good idea. We did try some (cooked) new things like California rolls. I am a fan, Seth is not. Thus I got to eat most of his. ☺And every entree came with a few grilled shrimp, which Seth does not eat so again, I got 'em all. ☺ I soon became exceedingly full and so I shared some steak with him, so it evened out. ☺
And here is my 6 month pregnancy picture. Not the best since I'm wearing black but it pretty much confirms that I'm carrying most of my baby weight in my arms. =( Despite the flappage in the upper arms, I am feeling very well. Nausea is still a "once in a while" issue and is fleeting when it comes. I'm SOOOOO grateful. I do have more aches and pains this time around and I am feeling kind of... OLD. Yup. Old. Some days I feel like my body is about to go into rigamortis.
Since I am feeling so good most of the time, I've been more active with this pregnancy than any other. I'm getting on the elliptical often... ya know, to ward off the rigamortis and all... and I've been doing some work outside in our yard.
Our flower bed is still a work in progress, and it will remain so the rest of this year, but we have some nice little shrubs out now, as well as some flowers!
Day lilies... these are inexpensive perennials. Yeah!