Friday, February 3, 2012

Week 5/52

A little change of pace....

I've been participating in a Project 52 group that selects themes for each week. I enjoy the nudging to go out of my comfort zone and try new things. So here is what the themes have been and my resulting image.

Week 1: Texture


Week 2: Order/Chaos


Week 3: Home


Week 4: Storyboard

These exercises have been fun, and prompted me to experiment with still life and landscapes for the first time. I'm more convinced than ever, though, that portraiture is where my photography passion lies. I can appreciate landscape, still life, journalistic, macro... it's all fascinating. But I don't think those genres alone would have ever been enough motivation to buy a DSLR camera and learn this craft. I really really love taking pictures of people. Specifically, little people. Even though they are so very uncooperative at times. I'm thinking of putting duct tape to good use and just doing head shots.

I recently took some pictures at a friend's baby shower... when I unloaded my camera card at home, I had 6 pictures of the cake, a few of the adults ladies, a few of gifts and games and like 75 pictures of the guest of honor's adorable niece. =D

If you recall the storyboard of 5 of my nephews from a few posts ago, I had that printed big- 10 x 20 on nice standout foam. It was a gift for my father in law.... he LOVED it. He's not a "gusher". If he says "it's fine" that is equivalent to me saying "that's awesome! I love it!!!!!" But I knew... he really loves it. So that is why I enjoy this so much. Give someone a nicely made portrait of someone they love and step back and take in their reaction. ♥


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Katye I love the story board of Leila shes getting so big and really would love some more pictures Please :D I enjoyed talking to all 3 girls the other night when mom babysat them it really made my night!!!!