Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Photography aspirations as of now


I know I've slacked off with my Project 52... what you don't know is that I have been diligently trying to win the award for the most Sporadic, Inconsistent Blogger in America. I think I've got a real chance! But just because I'm not sharing as much doesn't mean I have been shooting less. Well, technically I may have been shooting slightly less since it's been pretty busy around here and my children have starting running and hiding from me when they see me with a camera in hand. =) Thankfully, I have a few "practice" sessions coming up soon. Two such sessions are with newborns that are soon to be born. In this post I'm sharing some images from the last two newborns I had, about a month and a half ago. Photobucket

I am still forming my plan to go into business at one point... I think possibly this year but I'm not going to rush anything. I really really enjoy newborn portraiture, both looking at other photographer's images and taking my own. I have a lot to learn, and have read that it takes about 15 newborns to get the hang of it. I'm at 3 (I took some of my newborn nephew last fall, even though I had my camera for a grand total of a week! Those are less than great!)


There are many things I need to sort out... a need a better website and branding, I need a few more equipment staples and much more experience before I can call myself a professional. And of course, I need to accomplish these things with limited time and even more limited funds. But the wonderful thing is I feel no pressure. I'm not looking to support my family with this so I can take my time and keep my life's priorities in tack.


BTW, I love pictures of mommies and their babies. Most mommies don't feel very photogenic a week after birth but I think these are treasures.

I also love naked babies but have learned that not everyone does. Crocheted diaper cover is on order.=)

I also like a few shots featured the umbilical cord stump but got a "ewwww!" from a young woman (not a mom yet) so maybe it's not for everyone. =)


Everyone agrees that cute hats are good though!


The cutesy prop stuff is a big hit with moms and snubbed by fellow photographers. Funny huh?


Personally, I really enjoy baby on black images... it reminds me of babies still in the womb. Unposed and natural.

  Photobucket Photobucket

But I'm not opposed to giant gift tags either.


And this next one was mom's favorite:


Seth is completely supportive of this endeavor. He commented that a diversion is good for me. =) I feel like this will work really well with our life, both family and ministry. I only need a sitter for a couple of hours to shoot and then can do the rest of my work during naps or after the girls go to bed, or during the occasional "Daddy Date". And I enjoy it. I can get a little frustrated if I'm trying to learn something and it's not clicking but the funnest kind of fun does involved some sort of work. Ie. playing golf, though a challenge, is more fun than non-challenging fun like watching TV. And I also have to say I've realized through this what a incredibly supportive network of family and friends I have! They've let me take their photos, or their children's, even though I have not exactly known what in the world I was doing. They've been so generous with their time and just made me feel like they actually think I can do this. I was not expecting such a positive response, and felt a little embarrassed at first but have been quite overwhelmed and feel very grateful.

So there is the run down of my photographer aspirations. We shall see where it goes!

Oh btw, that first image with baby princess is featured in a youtube tutorial with a talented photographer/photoshopper in Ireland using it to demonstrate some photoshop techniqes. Click here to see it. Kind of fun to have a complete stranger like an image enough to ask to use it. And I did re edit using that method but didn't take the time to upload that one!



Laurie Whitehouse said...

I really loved your portraits! I really liked the one with the lavender rug and the ones with the black background--your right, the baby does look natural almost like in the womb! You really should go pro!--Laurie Whitehouse

Beth said...

These are so adorable. I love them! I wish I had a little baby for you to take pictures of! I'm with the other lady about the umbilical cord stump being gross, and I am a mother. That's just me though!

♥ Amy said...

Wow, Kayte! I think your work is phenomenal!!! I know you've put a lot of time and practice into it, but I think there is a God-given gift in there, too. I love every single one. I like it when people pick a favorite and mention it, but I can't say. They're all so precious.
How far do you travel? ;) Somewhere around October 15th....

Unknown said...

I wish you can come to MO when baby girl is born to do her photos! I think your do amazing!

Karla @ {The Fast Lane!} said...

I always enjoy reading your perspective on photography! And your photos are gorgeous!

Jessica Curtis said...

Every one is absolutely precious!!! I love the one with the baseball glove! Very cute and original!